Some questions may be unavailable in some dashboards due to various access issues, including no recorded category or access permissions.
There are a few reasons an ExamSoft question may not appear in an Enflux dashboard although it has appeared in assessments in the past. A question might be entirely untagged, with no categories selected or the question might be tagged with categories that Enflux’s ExamSoft user does not have permission to view.
Items with No Categories
If an item has not been tagged with any category at all, it will miss some data during ingestion that causes it to not show up properly in all Enflux dashboards. To fix this, simply tag the item with a category and it should be fixed after the next ingestion.
Items with Categories Enflux Doesn’t Have Permission To View
If an item has only been tagged with categories that Enflux’s ExamSoft user does not have access to, it will miss some data during ingestion that causes it to not show up properly in all Enflux dashboards. To fix this, make sure that Enflux’s ExamSoft user has permission to view the categories tagged in that item.
Provide the account with Read-Only permissions at the topmost level and for each sub-folder.
In the Category Rights tab, click the icon under Actions. That will copy the Read-Only permission down for each sub-folder.
It is imperative we receive Read-Only access to all sub-folders on all tabs. (On the Rubrics tab, Read-Only is equivalent to View.)